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Dylan King

Fantasy Author

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New Release

The Shadow Binder - Volume 3

Casek and Raelynn have rescued Idris from the black depths of Makavi's mines, but Casek's actions have set loose an army of Shadowspawn that now threaten the very survival of Oreia itself.

With time slipping away, Casek and his companions must decide between rescuing the final member of Raelynn's family from the Shadow's main stronghold in Pyria, or making straight for Oreia and finding away to use Casek's abilities to prevent its destruction.

However, the Archdaemon stirs once more, and he wears a familiar face...

The Shadow Binder is an episodic series of novellas designed to be read as a work of serial fiction, much like the volumes of a manga or graphic novel.

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About Dylan King

Dylan King is a fantasy author currently writing from a cave in the mountains of Scotland. Kept company by his brilliant wife and a far too energetic dog, he spends his time sending manuscripts to editors by raven and drinking copious amounts of Dr Pepper.

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